Consultation responses

This page will not be updated anymore (16.03.2012 )

We are in the process of migrating info to our Main Website

12.01.2012   Westmorland Road scheme (Newcastle)
17.12.2011   LDF (1Core and UCAAP) (Newcastle / Gateshead)
26.10.2011   1CORE CCAAP now LDF (seeking clarification) (Newcastle / Gateshead)
17.10.2011   Brighton Grove No.2 including our post-meeting minutes to Cllr Todd (Newcastle)
22.07.2011   Brighton Grove scheme (Newcastle)
13.03.2011   1CORE and City Centre Area Action Plan (Newcastle / Gateshead)
09.12.2010   Third Local Transport Plan LTP3 (Tyne & Wear)